Although design generally possesses a positive impact on society, it may also serve as dangerous tools for human beings. The development of weapons, such as bombs is a prime example of these types of designs. During wars, bombs are designed as a means to destroy or eliminate a large group of people or a specific population. In order to obliterate the lives of those in opposition and successfully win the battle, weapons of mass destruction are designed as tools for survival and strength. These nuclear weapons are designed utilizing the process of nuclear fission to release a large, quick, and highly destructive amount of energy that exists within nuclei. For instance, during World War II, the atomic bomb known as the “Fat Man” was designed to destroy the population of Nagasaki, Japan. As a result of designing such a destructive weapon, a great number of lives were lost. Thus, the establishment of nuclear weapons such as bombs connotes how dangerous certain designs can be towards the human race. Despite their significance within world-wide wars, they can easily take away the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, or millions of innocent people. These tools are essential for our country when engaging in wars with other countries. However, they only create more violence and hatred within the human race. Hence, the purpose behind their designs is quite negative and dangerous to our society as a whole.