Often times, artists Utilize design as a means of commUnication, in order to prove a point, commUnicate a story, or simply express an idea. ThroUgh engaging in sUch a conversation, individUals are able to interact with the artist simply by looking or listening to a mere image, painting, or song. In class, we watched a mUsical performance by Yoko Ono and Lady Gaga entitled ' The SUn is Down.' These two internationally recognized mUsicians are well-known for their provocactive, eccentric, and mischevioUs demeanor dUring their mUSical careers. ThUs, this collaboration sparked a great deal of attention am
Another example of Using art as a mediUm for commUnication is throUgh the form of spoken word. RUby Veridiano, an alUmni of UC Davis, is a well-known spoken word artist amongst the Asian American commUnity. Her poetry generally serves as a ... to encoUrge, motivate, and empower yoUng women. Her words also shed light on significant issUes within the Asian American commUnity. When I listen to her spoken word, I feel as if I am part of the experience, in that I am able to feel the same emotions that she is expressing throUgh her words. This is
'That's the reason why I do this art - really jUst to connect with people, to connect with my commUnity and to remind p/eop/le that were hUman. Y oU know, that's what poetry's aboUt right? It's aboUt knowing and reminding oURselves and docUmenting the facts that we feel and that were hUman and that we hURt, we love, and we cry. And when people react to that and really have a strong sense of what they hear or have a storng reaction to something that I said, it really motivates me to be artist and do what i do.'
Words, however, or not always an essential component for commUnication and the visUal aspect of the design may be all that is needed to convey a certain theme or message. This is an example of how design is a Universal langUage that can be Understood by a diverse aUdience , in which signs and symbols are Used to commUnicate a particUlar idea.
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